Parent Education

FAP provides support and learning opportunities for caregivers and staff at 21 AISD participating schools. FAP offers classes based on the needs of both the parents and the school. Historically FAP has offered classes in Basic and Advanced Computer Literacy, Resume Writing, Enhancing Your Computer Skills, and Financial Wealth.
Our programming, what we offer, and how we offer it continues to evolve to meet the needs of families. We recognize the collective trauma our communities have endured and the ever-increasing need for social and emotional/mental health support. The AISD Department of Social and Emotional Wellness and Systems of Support offers parent workshops on topics such as physical and mental health, and self-care.
Selected parents receive Leadership Training through our Parent Champion program to support the areas of Technology, Literacy, and Social and Emotional Learning.
Following the FAP peer-to-peer support model, FAP added the Parent Champion Mentors role. Parent Champion Mentors are assigned five schools to support and coach other parents. Their role is instrumental in communicating with parents across the participating schools.
In 2020, in response to the need for outdoor learning spaces, Families as Partners launched the Outdoor Learning Parent Champion role. This role was designed to support outdoor learning activities, promote environmental awareness, and motivate the school community to use the outdoor spaces and resources available in our city and our schools. This role is possible with close collaboration with Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center.
Parent Champions are parent leaders who enjoy learning new things while meeting and helping other parents. They work with the school Parent Support Specialist and staff on projects that increase Parent Engagement and student achievement.
Each participant school has three Parent Champions who attend monthly learning sessions to gain expertise in the areas they support. Through a train-the-trainer model, Parent Champions help develop other parents at their schools. These opportunities build their own leadership skills and confidence and impact other parents beyond the individuals directly served by the program.
The active asset-based parent engagement of the Parent Champions cultivates trust and builds collaborative and equity-focused partnerships between schools and communities.

Each participant school has three Parent Champions who attend monthly learning sessions to gain expertise in the areas they support. Through a train-the-trainer model, Parent Champions help develop other parents at their schools. These opportunities build their own leadership skills and confidence and impact other parents beyond the individuals directly served by the program.
The active asset-based parent engagement of the Parent Champions cultivates trust and builds collaborative and equity-focused partnerships between schools and communities.
Every Parent Champion across the 21 participating schools delivers 40 hours of service supporting these areas.



Literacy Volunteer/

Interested in being a Parent Champion?
Please complete this form for more information.
Families as Partners
512-841-9600 ext 21261
Fabiola Ramirez is originally from Calvillo Aguascalientes, Mexico, and has two sons, Allan and Julio. She is a Families as Partner SEL Parent Champion, a member of the PTA at Walnut Creek Elementary, and a supporter of the VELA Foundation. In partnership with AISD Mental Health Specialist, Fabiola shares techniques to understand a child's behavior with other parents at Walnut Creek. She also supports tours from other districts, sharing how Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) and Neurosequential Model for Education (NME) are implemented at her children's school. She likes to help immigrant families with children with disabilities, aided by her experience and contacts.

Fabiola Ramirez is originally from Calvillo Aguascalientes, Mexico, and has two sons, Allan and Julio. She is a Families as Partner SEL Parent Champion, a member of the PTA at Walnut Creek Elementary, and a supporter of the VELA Foundation. In partnership with AISD Mental Health Specialist, Fabiola shares techniques to understand a child's behavior with other parents at Walnut Creek. She also supports tours from other districts, sharing how Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) and Neurosequential Model for Education (NME) are implemented at her children's school. She likes to help immigrant families with children with disabilities, aided by her experience and contacts.

Ana Carbajal is originally from Mexico and is a working mother of three AISD students.
Ana was encouraged to be a volunteer by the Parent Support Specialist, Linda Perez, who advised her to take advantage of the training and educational opportunities that the school district offers. Through these opportunities, Ana has developed the knowledge and skills to be able to help the children academically, and emotionally. Ana has been a PTA Member and Officer at Jaime Padron Elementary and other schools, a FAP Literacy Parent Champion, Board Member of Child Inc. at Cook Elementary, and is an AISD UpClose Alumni. She has coordinated parent volunteers and provided literacy support in the classroom using the Estrellita Spanish reading curriculum, and has participated in Campus Advisory Council (CAC) and Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) committees. She is also a winner of the Austin Partners and Education Latino Parent Award. Ana enjoys learning and is currently working on her English and taking computer classes to further her higher education. Ana is proud to be a parent leader and volunteer in her community and in the schools that her children attend.
Yunivia Morales is originally from Guerrero, Mexico. She is the mom to Alexander, 6, and Alison, 2, both in AISD. Her motivation to be involved in school is rooted from a desire to have her oldest son see her be present in his education. Yunivia has been involved in the Andrews Elementary PTA, taking the roles of Parent Volunteer, Vice President and currently President. Additionally she is a Parent Champion and helps other parents with English as a Second Language. Yunivia aspires to further her education in child development, and she enjoys learning to better communicate with her children. She is driven to help her community and encourage families to be involved in their children’s education.

Yunivia Morales is originally from Guerrero, Mexico. She is the mom to Alexander, 6, and Alison, 2, both in AISD. Her motivation to be involved in school is rooted from a desire to have her oldest son see her be present in his education. Yunivia has been involved in the Andrews Elementary PTA, taking the roles of Parent Volunteer, Vice President and currently President. Additionally she is a Parent Champion and helps other parents with English as a Second Language. Yunivia aspires to further her education in child development, and she enjoys learning to better communicate with her children. She is driven to help her community and encourage families to be involved in their children’s education.