Early Learning

We serve families before they start school!
FAP houses the AISD ParentChild+ Home Visiting Program. Along with the AISD Early Learning Department, responsive and engaging quality early education is delivered to our youngest learners and their parents. The AISD ParentChild+ Home Visiting Program promotes and supports early literacy and fosters positive parent-child interactions. The Early Learning Specialist Home Visitors provide families with creative and fun ways to play and learn with their children to increase the parent’s knowledge and their children’s school readiness. Through these interactions, long-lasting and trusting relationships with families in our communities are established and cultivated.

This program directly addresses the following goal: children and families are informed about and able to access high-quality early learning environments that demonstrate positive developmental outcomes for all children (including children with unique developmental and cultural needs) through competent, responsive, and caring relationships by eliminating the barriers to access many families currently face.

Furthermore, FAP offers professional development for parents and teachers in the area of Early Learning by offering the Estrellita curriculum and Conscious Discipline training. When learning opportunities like these are presented, parents and teachers come together to learn as equal partners to create the classroom and home connection.